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Searched for: cold foods

Earth Month: Food Waste Prevention Week

Food Waste Prevention April is Earth Month, and in honor of our commitment to environmental responsibility, we’ll be exploring a new topic related to environmental sustainability every week this month. To begin, we’re digging into Food Waste Prevention Week! Wedge Co-ops is demonstrating our commitment to working toward changing the culture on food waste as an…

Staff Profile: Meet Charles

July Food Drive

We’re hosting a food drive in July in response to the heightened needs in our community. Together, we can make a big impact. With the pandemic, and many people losing their jobs/grocery stores as a result of the riots, there is an increased demand for food donations. Together, we can give back to groups reaching…  Read More

Our Commitment to You During Covid-19 and Always.

TCCP is committed to remaining a reliable destination in serving our community to provide necessary resources for families, owners and staff. As the safety of our community is our first priority, TCCP wants to update and assure you that we are monitoring information regarding coronavirus disease, now called COVID-19. Find our ongoing store updates on…  Read More

Local Grocery that GREW with Twin Cities Co-op Partners

Change Matters

Co-op is community. Our Change Matters program seeks to exemplify our mission, generating and donating thousands of dollars to local nonprofit organizations. For more than 40 years, Change Matters has partnered with organizations doing remarkable things—from building community gardens and feeding families in need, to bringing fresh, local produce into local classrooms. Our commitment supports…

Healthy Planet

Diy Fermenting

Eat Drink And Be Healthy

The New School Lunch