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Searched for: almond

Autumn Apple Tartine

Chef John Kraus’s Autumn Apple Tartine — serves 12 “Elizabeth and I look forward to apple season, cooler temps, and the arrival of our Christmas Jam– it has a wonderful balance between sweet and tart with a blend of cranberries, strawberries, oranges, and seasonal spices, as well as pecans, walnut, and almonds. This Tartine is…  Read More

Fairtrade Favorites

Fairtrade America x TCCP Partnership

We envision a food system that keeps all families fed with nutritious foods, one where all farmers are paid fairly, and food is grown in a way that nourishes the soil rather than depletes it. Our fair trade partners are carrying out this vision through relationships with small-scale farmers, distributors, and retailers across the globe.…  Read More

Baked Apples with Walnut Crumble & Caramel Sauce

Savory Parmesan & Herb Quick Bread