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Searched for: bread

Brands We Love

We are proud to collaborate with local brands to bring you new and exciting options in our stores! We have sought out like minded businesses that offer products which meet our quality standards. Here’s more information about our most recent partnerships!

Apple & Smoked Gouda Grilled Cheese

Prep time 5 minutes | Cook time 10 minutes Recipe easily makes just 1 sandwich, or 4! Grilled cheese is and incredibly versatile dish that can be as simple or complex as you like. Here, we dress it up with some delicious smoked gouda cheese, and crisp, thinly sliced local apples.  

Cultivate Fall 2018 Introduction

Oh Ghee!

Wedge+Linden Hills x MPLS FAVES

Dukkah Spices

Dukkah (or Duqqa) is an Egyptian mixture of nuts, seeds and spices.

Our best tips for packing an awesome lunch

Preparing lunches and snacks for your kids is a great way to ensure they will have access to healthy, nutritious food to keep them going through the day. It can seem like a stressful and daunting idea but if you follow some tips and guidelines, it can be fun and easy and you can even include…  Read More

Growing Leaders with Local Food