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Searched for: round up

October Round-up: Center School

Rounding up at the register with our Change Matters* program is an easy way to make donations. During the month of October all register donations will go to support Center School. Center School provides transformative education, grounded in indigenous life-ways and a love of learning. They inspirea sense of place and direction within the circle of…


Serves 6 Try The Wedge’s Beer Brats (available at the Linden Hills location), or any other favorite sausage. Use an IPA in the broth for maximum flavor, and serve the same beer with your meal. Don’t forget a hearty dark bread for dipping!

One Thousand Split Pea Soups, Starting At Fifty-Eight-Cents A Serving

One Thousand Split Pea Soups, Starting At Fifty-Eight-Cents A Serving By Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl Part ONE, let me tell you two of the secrets of a happy life: Keep your expenses low, and your fiber intake high. Here’s another one: Eat something delicious every day.  Now, here’s the how for all of this: Go to…

How Climate Change Affects our Food Supply

Meet Ephraim, CPW Shipping & Receiving Supervisor

Power Up with Plants

Super Duper Summer Guide for Co-op Kiddos!

Pop-Up Sale Calendar

Power Up Your Morning with Grain Bowl Breakfasts